A Unit Of Dr. Aabaji Thatte Sewa Aur Anusandhan Sanstha   [ Helpline Number - 1800 - 233 - 0033 | 0712-2800400 ]

Department Of Radiology

The Radiology Department at National Cancer Institute is a State of Art Imaging Department that performs elaborate diagnostic (morphologic & functional) imaging as well as routine and technically challenging image-guided procedures. In the near future a state of art ‘Interventional Radiology’ will be set up.

Computed Tomography (CT Scan)

It is a wide bore (80 cm) 16 slice CT Scanner with a powerful (8 MHU) X-ray tube capable of routine and high-resolution diagnostic imaging and high-resolution radiation oncology imaging with exceptional image quality and lightning - quick scan speeds that allow shorter breath holds and less potential for patient motion during image acquisition.

Optima CT 580 W provides impressive image quality across a wide range anatomy and applications that aids in providing confident diagnoses.

The wide bore is very convenient for patients during radiotherapy planning procedures and interventional procedure, it has a state of art table design for large patients. It provides precise imaging and planning that is required for routine and advanced radiation therapy treatments

This (Optima CT 580W) system connects with our hospitals efficient virtual simulation tools that combine 4D and multi-modality imaging and seamlessly integrates with treatment planning systems. ASiR* dose-reduction technology is available on the system.

This system is equipped with a very accurate 3 field moving laser system for precise treatment planning,

MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging)

This is one the first Installation in the country. It is a 32 channel system. It is a wide bore (70 cm) 1.5T MR system with all coils including phased array dual breast & grid attachments for MR-guided breast biopsies. It has a Total Digital Imaging (TDI) RF Architecture.

TDI consists of 3 components

  • Digital Surround Technology (DST) -delivers sharper, higher quality images.
  • Direct Digital Interface (DDI) -vastly improves Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR).
  • Digital Micro Switching (DMS) -enables ultra-fast coil switching times for further expansion of zero TE imaging capabilities.

The system has Ultra-High Efficiency Gradient Technology.

It is capable of generating multiple image contrasts in a single MRI scan including T1, T2, and Inversion Recovery (eg. DIR, PSIR, FLAIR, etc.), and PD contrasts of the brain in a single acquisition. ‘MAGiC’ (Magnetic Resonance Image Compilation). These images are acquired in as little as half the time taken to acquire separate sequences.

The systems Silent Scan technology dramatically reduces scanning noise from an ear-splitting, motorcycle level of 91dB to within 3dB of scan room ambient noise resulting in a better MRI examination experience for the patients.

Mammography System

This is a state of art, versatile mammography equipment and it is only the second installation in the country.

This is a 3D diagnostic Mammography system with graded compression that results in overall better breast examination experience for patients and high quality images for accurate diagnoses.

The system is designed for patient comfort. With a comfortable patient during the breast examination, our technologists focus on more suitable positioning, enabling a faster and smoother 3D mammogram

The 3D acquisition protocol is made of a 3D CC and a 3D MLO. The diagnostic set includes the 2D synthetized views of each acquisition.

This is Digital Breast Tomosynthesis system delivers superior diagnostic accuracy at the same dose as 2D FFDM, the lowest patient dose of all FDA approved DBT systems.

Ultra Sonography (Digital)

The LOGIQ* S8 with XD clear* ultrasound system is equipped with multiple probes, including cardiac as well as intra-cavitory probes and is used for a wide range of applications in our department namely; abdominal, small parts, breast, vascular, cardiology, pediatrics, musculoskeletal, urology and interventional procedures. It used in our department in routine as well as technically challenging cases.

We use it for diagnostic as well as USG-guided FNAC’s, USG guided biopsies and USG guided drainage procedures.

The system is customisable for speedy work flow and via a split screen on the monitor we routinely compare prior studies and current images together in real time.

Digital Radiography System (X-Ray)

The Brivo DR-F is a general purpose floor mounted Digital Radiography system with a high frequency generator and integrated table to provide flexibility for wall stand and tabletop applications. It is designed to handle radiographic applications using a single detector with acquisition review workstation for image post-processing, short-term storage and quick in-room viewing of images.

GE Centricity RIS/PACS 3.0 with Universal viewer (ZFP)

We are a completely filmless hospital, where all imaging data is stored in digital format and is viewed across the hospital; in OPD’s and IPD’s on viewing monitors.

The RIS/PACS installed at our hospital is an integrated technology for image and information management in radiology and it allows fast image storage and display of large datasets coming from multi-slice CTs, MR imaging equipment, Ultrasound systems, Digital Radiography systems and Nuclear Medicine department.

In our hospital, imaging departments do (soft copy) reporting on reporting grade BARCO monitors. Centricity PACS AW Suite, gives our radiologists tools for sifting through most data-intensive procedures - optimising workflow, image quality, applications flexibility and reporting speed. The Universal Viewer (ZFP) provides our clinicians enterprise-wide access to images and reports. The system has scalable image storage and disaster recovery solutions.

DR. S. L. Juvekar



Dr. Narendra Ghike


Consultant - Radiology

Dr. Amol Gulkari


Consultant - Radiologist


Dnyandip Raut CT & MRI Technician
Rohit Dehankar CT & MRI Technician
Ashish Raut MRI Technician
Ritesh Ramteke X-ray Technician
Swarup Ramteke Technician - Radiology
Satish T. Salve Technician - Radiology
Shankar Pavhane Technician - Radiology
Pragati Sahu Radiology - Technician